This page describes how to protect OIDC OP with policies.

Setup steps

Enabling the feature

This function is disabled by default. Follow the steps below to enable it.

  1. Display the administrator console.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Agents -> OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect Client tab -> Target client.
  3. Check Policy Based Endpoint Protection and click the Save button.

Enabling OIDC policy protection

Defining a new resource type

  1. Display the administrator console.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authorization -> Resource Types.
  3. Enter each parameter and click the Create button. You can set any name for the Name (other items are fixed).
Item Setting
Name (any)
Pattern client_id=*
Action IssueToken

New Resource Type

Defining a new policy set

  1. Display the administrator console.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authorization -> Policy Sets.
  3. Click the New Provider Policy Set button.

    New Provider Policy Set button

  4. Enter each parameter and click the Create button.
Item Setting
Id OAuthClientService
Name (any)
Resource Types (The name of the resource type you created)

New Provider Policy Set

Adding policies to the policy set

  1. Display OAuthClientService created in step of Defining a new policy set.
  2. Click the New Policy button.
  3. Enter each parameter and click the Create button.

    Item Setting
    Name (any)
    Resource Types (The name of the resource type you created)
    Resources (Client ID of target RP)

    New Policy

  4. Set Actions, Subjects, and Environments for the created policy.